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编辑:张春霞 时间:2018年10月24日 09:20 访问次数:





E-mail : lnding6@126.com



2000-2004年山东农业大学 学士

2004-2011年南京农业大学 应用植物基因组学 博士




3. 植物抗病信号转导途径及调控网络


1. BnaGDSL2.C07基因在油菜菌核病抗性中的功能及调控机理研究,国家自然基金面上,2022-2025,主持

2. 核盘菌诱导型启动子的开发及在油菜菌核病抗性中的应用,省自主创新项目,2021-2023,主持

3. BnaGLIP1.C07 调控甘蓝型油菜菌核病抗性的机制研究,省自然面上项目,2020-2023,主持

4. 油菜根发育相关基因的克隆与功能分析,国家自然面上基金,2017.01-2020.12,参与

5. N-乙酰基高丝氨酸内酯对植物耐盐性的影响及机制分析,国家自然青年基金,2013.1-2015.12,主持

6. Serratiasp.G3调控植物促生及抗逆的蛋白质组学分析,江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金,2011.11-2013.11,主持

7. 转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项,小麦抗赤霉病功能基因的克隆和验证,2009.01-2010.12,参与


1. Li-Na Ding, Teng Li, Xiao-Juan Guo, Ming Li, Xiao-Yan Liu, Jun Cao, and Xiao-Li Tan*, Sclerotinia Stem Rot Resistance in Rapeseed: Recent Progress and Future Prospects. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2021,69(10):2965-2978.

2. Ding LN, Li M , Guo XJ , Tang MQ , Cao J, Wang Z, Liu R, Zhu KM, Guo L, Liu SY*, Tan XL*, Arabidopsis GDSL1 overexpression enhances rapeseed Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance and the functional identification of its homolog in Brassica napus. Plant Biotechnol Journal, 2020, 18(5):1255-1270

3. Ding LN, Gu SL, Zhu FG, Ma ZY, Li J, Li M, Wang Z, Tan XL*, Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase 2 is involved in seed oil production in Brassica napus. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20(1):21.

4. Ding LN, Guo XJ, Li M, Fu ZL, Yan SZ, Zhu KM, Wang Z, Tan XL*, Improving seed germination and oil contents by regulating the GDSL transcriptional level in Brassica napus. Plant Cell Report, 2019,38(2):243-253. 

5. Ding LN*, Yang RY, Yang GX, Cao J, Zhou Y, Identification of putative phosphoproteins in wheat spikes induced by Fusarium graminearum. Planta, 2016,243(3):719-727.

6. Ding LN, Li M, WangWJ, Cao J, WangZ, Zhu KM, YangYH, Li YL, Tan XL*, Advances in plant GDSL lipases: from sequences to functional mechanisms. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019,41(9):0-151.

7. Liu, R., Ding, L., Li, M. et al. Characterization of a Rapeseed Anthocyanin-More Mutant with Enhanced Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. J Plant Growth Regul 39, 703–716 (2020).

8.Ding LN*, Li M, Li P, Cao J. Comparative proteomics analysis of young spikes of wheat in response to Fusarium graminearum infection. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2017, 39(12): 271-284.

9. Ding LN*, Yang GX, Yang RY, CaoJ, Zhou Y, Investigating interactions of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling pathways in monocots wheat. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016,93:67-74.

10. Ding LN*, Yang GX, Cao J, Zhou Y, Yang RY, Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a DNA damage inducible (DDI) gene in Arabidopsis. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016,94:126-133.

11.丁丽娜,杨瑞英,杨国兴,植物与病原菌互作的蛋白质组学研究进展,微生物学通报,2016, 43(2): 394−402.

12.丁丽娜(2016)植物抗病机制及信号转导的研究进展,生物技术通报,32 (10):109-117.



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